The ANFA PHARMACEUTICALS always focuses on improving the quality, development and implementation of new technologies. The Company pays special attention to the issue of research and development. The purpose of the research is to develop new phyto-additives to help people in need and improve their quality of life. The company’s distinctive feature is the development of new active supplements through chemical-analytical means.

Due to our research and development teams, the company’s portfolio is regularly updated with new supplements. New supplements are made of using modern methods, modern technological procedures and innovative solutions.

Meanwhile, several studies are carried out in
these following fields in ourlab:

  • Treatment of skin disease
  • Treatment of respiratory disease
  • Treatment of disease of eyes, nose and ears
  • Anti-diabetic agents of herbal origin
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tracts
  • Sedatives and antidepressants of herbal origin
  • Treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland
  • Treatment of diseases of the prostate and urinary system
  • Herbal supplements and toning up appetite
  • Phyto-preparations for the treatment of gynecological diseases
  • Natural Calcium-Containing Preparations

While we are particularly focused on these areas, our partnering interest is not limited to these. The ANFAPHARMACEUTICALS could be the right partner to progress your ideas for traditional nutraceuticals in the fight for health.Please, contact us for thedistribution of the biologically active food supplements if you would like to be a partner in the development of nutraceutical business.

For cooperation, contact the business development department by phone: +998 (95) 195 59 00 or via email: or fill out the online application